You can find me @
My mom’s blog has a new look! I updated my family website and thought I figured I might as well add my mom’s blog to our site.

I picked up blogging a few years ago and really enjoy it. I haven’t been as diligent as I would like lately but maybe a new look will get me motivate. Part of my blogging is “me time”. A way to connect with other mom’s and know we are not alone!

Feel free to leave comments and send feedback! I would love to hear from you!

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    A Note From Me

    Being a mommy of 5 this blog is by no means a how to page! I have no magical advice for mom’s. I just have a heart for mom’s. We are pulled in many directions and wear many hats. We have the most rewarding job but it’s also the toughest. I hope that you find encouragement as well as laughter among the pages of this blog.

    Also find me on FB to join my online Mom’s Group! We have discussions that you can join in on and a place to ask questions or get advice from other mom’s going through the same things.                                


    December 2012
    August 2012

    You can also find my older blog posts @       

